Llaza advertising campaign


The LLAZA brand has always been on the cutting edge of advertising campaigns towards the final consumer, in fact, it is the only brand in its industrial sector that has invested in supporting its customers and induce demand through pull strategies. Significant actions have already been done to restart this practice.

LLAZA WORLD, SA, taking advantage of the media coverage of the crowning of Felipe VI, has inserted a full color page ad into two editions of the HOLA magazine. This magazine offers a wide diffusion and a proven efficiency to bring the product need to the consumer.

The add appeared in the issue dated 18th June and also in the special edition which contains the details of the crowning ceremony.

Anuncio de LLAZA en la reconocida revista HOLA

In addition to these broad range actions, advertisements addressed to more specific target have also been done, such as ads in ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO magazine. This publication has a consolidated audience between professional prescribers and passionate users towards design and minimalist forms. Here, the chosen ad by LLAZA WORLD, SA, is focused on the LLAZAMATICBOX cassette. The aesthetic and technical features of this product make it very attractive to these consumer targets.

Anuncio de LLAZA en la revista para profesionales ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO

Metabanners have also been hired in decoration web portals like EL MUEBLE, to meet consumers hunting on-line for specialized decoration trends.

For next season, LLAZA WORLD, SA is preparing a communication program that also counts on mainstream media actions to inform and get the interest of consumers.

You can also be informed about this campaigns on our social networks:

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